Banner photo of Buffalo NY skyline in background (grayscale) full color photo of Samantha Affolter, Jill Colombo and Robert Pollock in front of the city skyline.

Tax & Business Services

Almost every business decision has tax implications. Working with a tax expert year-round can help you make better decisions, minimize tax liability and utilize tax incentives.

Tax Planning & Preparation

Tax season isn’t the only time to think about taxes. Put a team of tax professionals on your side year-round!

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Canadian Companies Doing Business in the U.S.

Canadian companies operating in the U.S. have a special set of tax requirements including federal and state income, sales and payroll tax.

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Cash Balance Solution

Strategies to lower taxes and save more for retirement via pre-tax retirement contributions.

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Entity Structuring

It is important to structure your business entity in your best interest.

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Estate Planning

Undertaking a proactive estate planning process is essential to ensure your assets are transferred to your heirs or other areas of your choice.

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Excelsior Job Programs

The Excelsior Jobs Program provides job creation and investment incentives to firms in a specific set of targeted industries.

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General Business Consulting

Dealing with complex business issues requires financial expertise and insight only a competent and trusted accountant can provide.

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Research & Development (R&D) Tax Credit Services

Helping our clients achieve tax savings, one activity at a time.

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Specialized Tax Consulting

Dopkins & Company goes far beyond tax compliance offering your company a suite of specialized tax consulting services.

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State & Local Taxes

Companies who operate in multiple states know the tax compliance risks associated with doing business across state lines.

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Succession Planning

Do you have a comprehensive plan to transition your company to the next generation of leaders?

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Succession Planning for Family Owned Businesses

The secret to a successful transfer of an operating business to a son or daughter is to start long before the transfer is necessary.

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Tangible Assets and Repairs

Do you own buildings, fixed assets, or use materials and supplies in your business? Taking full advantage of the tax implication is essential to your success.

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Do What You Love.
Love What You Do.

It’s about balance. The variety and quality of the clients, along with access to the latest technology and business information keeps the work interesting.

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Three Dopkins Employees

Opportunity Awaits

Take your career to the next level at Dopkins

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